Monday, August 29, 2016


 Here are the bullet points. Ps someone
who shall remain nameless told me my weekly emails were lame to which
I say: I wish I could disagree. But they are, in fact, so lame. So
sorry bout it everyone.

-on Monday we had the best P-day ever because we decided to go out to
eat (score) and we randomly bumped into our friend Andy (double
score). That guy is the best and so so ready to be baptized.

 Seriously every lesson we teach him he goes "ok. Yes. Ok. I understand." We also asked him to explain the commandments and he told us that we have to "come to church, sing song about Jesus, no drink coffee, read Book of Mormon." Hahaha Basically YES. He lives all the commandments and is just SO GOOD. This week he told us about how his faith is growing little by little and I just died because I love hearing how prayer and scriptures can change someone!! He is the 
-we played duck duck goose at district meeting. Haven't played that since I was maybe in fourth grade so that was a score. 
 -someone randomly called our phone and told us she wanted to come to church which literally never happens. So that was a straight up miracle. 
 -we have been seeing a lot of people who are less-active in the church and those lessons vary so much. Sometimes they are happy to see us and invite us in and we have a sweet chat or discussion, and sometimes they literally won't open the door and will yell through the window for 5 minutes at us. All good things, all good things!!! Hahah. 
 -the wind was so strong I almost got blown off my bike true story. 
 I love you guys--- thank you for sending me so much love and so many letters. Life is so wonderful!!!! Cheers m'dears!!!! 
 Sister Daines 

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