Monday, May 30, 2016

''Look at King Ethelbert! He has Pretzles on His shirt!''

" King Ethelbert, obvi!" 

hashtag that email subject is something that is just SO classic england amirite friends?? sister lawler said it this morning and i kind of looked at her and thought-- what is  happening in my life>?????? hahah sister lawler and I laughed so hard this week it wasnt even funny. get it?!?! get what i did there?!?!? oh my word i am not funny. love myself!

"P-day lyfe" 

ok sorry i have no idea what im even talking about anymore. WHAT ELSE IS NEW. nothing. lolz. 

this week was crazy crazy crazy town but here are some amazing things i learned: 

-the plan of salvation is real. its like that woman who spoke last conference and said ''i know it, but do i belive it?'' i had to learn this week that yes, i believe so fully that we will be with our families after we die. I KNOW we will. i just wish everyone else could know it too! 

-the sacrament really is like a weekly, mini- baptism if we are doing it right. and i am SO thankful for that. because i really need it every week, am i right friends?? but seriously. my testimony of the cleansing power of the atonement EVERY day and how important that is has grown so much these past few weeks. 

-i learned i can talk for 13 minutes from the pulpit and it feels like 6 ;) lolz sorry bishop harris!!! he has now put a light on the stand to flick on and off for the next time i speak. haha! i said 'sorry bishop i went like 5 minutes over!'' and he goes ''thats ok-- its not so bad for a sister'' #yikes #but also true 

-when you go tracting in herne bay, sometimes you will meet very drunk men who, in the words of momma, are quite ''corpulent'' and who will tell you about how they just ''passed wind'' so it ''might be quite stinky where you are standing'' thanks ian! haha

-i learned that when times are tough, sometimes you just gotta buy a bunch of  digestive biscuts and eat them within the span of half an hour. one of our better decisions forsure. 

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! sorry this was so frantic and i have no idea what is going on!!! whoops!! lol! seriously you are all the best and i love you and THANK YOu for your prayers and letters and love and good vibes. 

"Me begging some woman to come to church, lol" 

to close:(mostly for Clara;))

why couldn't Lehi eat dinner?


because he didnt have the plates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oooo!!!!! hahahhahah!!

ok i love you all more than i love digestives or even more than i love in n out!!!

sister daines x

"A cute door that was #not interested in the gospel.  Those friends!!  But thx for the pic ppl lol."

Monday, May 23, 2016

I cannot think of one funny thing to say up here

You guys! I am so bad with jokes and not at all funny!!! Hahaha i am very sorry that i cannot think of one clever thing to say! but here are some great things that happened this week!

"Me in a graveyard, duh!"

first of all let's get the spiritual things out of the way first because there were SO MANY AMAZING THINGS.

1. we had institute graduation and we went with Jade, our cool investigator, and this woman named Hannah got up and talked about how we make choices. and all of our small choices lead back to the one big choice that we have to make. IDK it was a lot more profound when she said it!! but it just hit me so hard!!

2. we are teaching this one guy who used to be addicted to Heroin (it's ok... we are working on it!! lolzies!!!) but he is so incredible and he is on date to be baptised after one lesson. WAYHO. WAT. but anyway-- the cool amazing thing is that when we were walking out of the chapel after our first lesson we asked him who he knew who would want to hear our message and he goes '' maybe after I am baptised we can teach my dad and my step mom all of this stuff''. SHALOM RUPERT YES WE CAN TEACH YOUR DAD!!!

"Me and Sis Lawlz!"

3. WE LEFT OUR PHONE ON THE BUS AND SIS LAWLZ WAS SO STRESSED OUT BUT WE PRAYED SO HARD AND THEN A HOMELESS MAN FOUND IT, CALLED THE ELDERS IN OUR AREA, AND GAVE IT BACK TO THEM!! WHAT THE HECK!!!!! GOD EVEN CARES ABOUT HIS MISSIONARIES' CELL PHONES!!!!!!!!! seriously you guys. the homeless man walks up to the elders and goes ''i found this and was going to sell it for 20 quid but then something told me i should really do the right thing with this phone'' YES FRIEND THAT SOMETHING WAS THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! AHHH SO COOL. but anyways. miracles all around. 

what else happened this week!? seriously it was so insane and so cool. ahh you guys i just feel like i am already at the point on my mission where too much is happening every week so i just can't say anything! sorry bout it. i am the worst haha!!!!!!!

"And this was our view!!!!"

"We walked literally an hour and a half to a dinner appointment be WE GOT DINNER!!!!"

"Shalom!!! Love life!"

heres a dumb joke for the week.

what do you call a woman with one leg?


lolzies. that one is courtesy of my district leader, Elder Jackson. he laughed so hard when he told us that one he almost threw up. seriously it was so funny. ok i  love you all so much!!!!

heres an inspirational quote to end this email:

''Im not even a little remotely interested in religion''-from a woman in whitstable who was SO MAD that we knocked on her door!! lolzies!!!!!! so i complimented her son's star wars shirt and then she slammed the door shut. who can blame her *shrug emoji*

hahah!! love you all!! please go teaching with the missionaries in your home ward this week!!! they really need you! probably! unless you live in utah! lol subtweet at aaron daines!!!!!! hahah!!!

xoxoxo sister daines

Monday, May 16, 2016

HI! TimeFlies (like those white boy rappers but also time is going really fast! get it??!?)

HI all of my loves!!! I miss you all!!! this week was so crazy and so good and we saw so many miracles! 
also here is my last picture ever with SJ. RIP SJ. pour one out (one smoothie.,. that is...) for the fallen Trainer! 
Ok so sister johannes is gone-zo! lolzies see ya lady!! sike she is the bomb and she will be missed so dang much. but sister lawler is so cool! she is a beast and is such a good missionary! LAWL! (lawlz because her name is lawler,,, get it! lawl!)  

 this week was insane in the membrane. we saw about a million and a half missionaries at euston central station and then we went to king's cross (i always want to call it grand central but i know thats not what it is... shalom sister daines you are in JOLLY OLD ENGLAND NOW!!) anwyway..... went to kings cross, got my new trainer/mom/bff, went back to canterbury! 

we saw danielle this week, the woman that i told you guys about on skype who lost her baby, she is so amazing. she was for sure the highlight of my whole week because she is just SO strong and such an amazing example to me and builds my faith every single time i see her. i love her SO much and i love to be in her home because her kids are just nuts and all over the place like a certain other family of 5 that i know ;) ;) ;) 
but she is just so incredible and i really look up to her and want to be more like her in how strong and resilient she is. 

also, JADE CAME TO CHURCH!!!! i feel so, so, so, so close to that woman. words cannot express how much i love her and how much i want her to be baptized. she is so wonderful and she really just wants to do the right thing so much. i have never seen someone so willing to change their whole life.. like SHALOM she woke up for church on sunday and told us.. girls! i woke up and didn't have tea! and i went clubbing and only drank soda!!! what the heck she is amazing!! anyway. i really look up to her and love her and am so proud of her. 
Maureen, the old woman that we found, had a hard time with the word of wisdom this week :( 
we were walking home one night and we were walking past her house and we just really really really really felt like we should swing by, even though she likes us to call her beforehand. but we walked to her house and as we were walking up she was coming in from walking her dog, coco, (you go, glen coco) but anyway she admitted that she had been having a hard time with cigarettes and depression and cutting off so drastically. but it was really, really good that we were able to see her. it was definitely inspired. so i am so thankful that we were able to see her before it got too bad. but i love her so much and we made sure that she came to church this week so that she could feel the spirit. so keep her in your prayers!! i will attach a picture of my new companion and i walking her dog before church so that she could come. 

I LOVE YOU ALL!! this week something that i really learned is that i am so lucky to be on a mission. i was reading in  1 Timothy 1:12 this morning during studies and i learned that i am so lucky to be on a mission. and that i am so lucky that Christ trusts me enough to enable me every day and that He counts me worthy enough to be His missionary. how thankful I am that Christ trusts me enough with this portion of His vineyard and His children. i am working so hard to make sure that I can keep being worthy of that and to not let Him down, but the great thing about the gospel is that we get credit for trying! and that He enables us every single day and lifts us up. we are so so so lucky!! 


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Good bye to my favorite trainer and future sister leader!!!

P-day in Dover with Sis. J. 
6 SHORT WEEKS!!!!!! She is going to be a sister training leader in
Watford! WAT!!!!! I am so sad!!! I know she is such an amazing
missionary and she is going to be such a great example to so many but
I am so sad!!! But isok!! It's gonna be ok! Happy birthday SJ you have
to move.  😭😒πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜₯πŸ˜“

But it's ok because apparently my follow up trainer is a beast named
sister Lawler. LAWLZ.

Editor's note:  (We received the following note --as well as the picture above from Sister Tuttle, who is serving with her husband in the Canterbury ward--) Sister Tuttle says:   "Sister Lawler will be wonderful for her. They did a GAP training today and it was like they had been working together for weeks. We love your daughter like one of our own."
Ok this week was so amazing because Jade agreed to be baptised!! SO
COOL. she is legitimately the coolest and most beautiful woman I've
ever met and she is SO cool and nice and we just stopped her a few
weeks ago and just introduced ourselves and our message and now she is
going to be baptised!! I know every single missionary says this but I
am SO amazed at her progression and growth and commitment to the
gospel. I am floored by it. She has built my testimony so much. I'll
send a pic of her.

Jade is the one in the middle and Maria is on the left-- she will be on date soon!!! And that is cute SJ's birthday dinner.. We had smoothies caus those are her fave foods! That little nug. üçπ

 My district leader is leaving.  Also v sad.  He's gonna be a Zone Leader in Hyde Park.  That lucky lad.  I will miss him too.  Our  District went to Dover and saw the Dover War Tunnels and the white cliffs of Dover!