Monday, August 29, 2016


Family!!! Slash also those of you who aren't even related to me! Hello!!

This week was so incredible. Seriously I can't tell you how good it
was because it will just sound fake. This was just the most incredible
week. Ok so we had set up so many appointments all over the place, and
over 60% of the people actually showed up. So that was an actual
miracle. And then our sister training leaders came to Cambridge and
just boosted us so much and helped us feel so much love and encouraged
Our sweet sister training leaders
 I cried. Wutvz. And we had a lot of really good lessons and talked
to this guy named Ashton about the importance of the Priesthood and it
was really powerful to hear a member testify of how much the
priesthood has blessed him and his family.

 But basically everything is trivial compared to the actual best part
of my life so I'm just going to skip to that...

you guys what the heck I just died!!! I walked around the corner in
the chapel and saw her standing there and I immediately burst into
tears!!! I couldn't believe it. I was just so happy slash shocked
slash so emotional.  I'm so thankful for the people in my life who I love so much and who teach me how to be good, kind, caring people.  I'm also thankful that my mission is growing that circle immensely.  I have met some of the most amazing and wonderful people who will influence the whole rest of my life.
Then we went to lunch at the Jackman's house (the senior couple) and it just felt like being home for Sunday dinner.  It was such a blessing. 
Anyway, this week I learned how much I love my family, and how good it was to see them made me think a lot about how we are going to feel after this life.  Is that too deep?  Well, it really did make me think about seeing people that we have been separated from for longer than a year and a half and how happy we are going to be to see them.  I know we are going to have such happy, happy, happy reunions with our families and I am so thankful for that knowledge--that it isn't over once we pass away.  
My literal BFF
 Here are some pics where I have been crying my
eyes out so everyone just excuse that and ignore my face lolz. Sweet
uncle Bo was so good and just helped me learn so much about how to
show gratitude and ahhhh it was just so so good to see them.

I love you guys!!!  Take a big ol nap for me today!

xoxoxoxoxoxo  sister Daines


 Here are the bullet points. Ps someone
who shall remain nameless told me my weekly emails were lame to which
I say: I wish I could disagree. But they are, in fact, so lame. So
sorry bout it everyone.

-on Monday we had the best P-day ever because we decided to go out to
eat (score) and we randomly bumped into our friend Andy (double
score). That guy is the best and so so ready to be baptized.

 Seriously every lesson we teach him he goes "ok. Yes. Ok. I understand." We also asked him to explain the commandments and he told us that we have to "come to church, sing song about Jesus, no drink coffee, read Book of Mormon." Hahaha Basically YES. He lives all the commandments and is just SO GOOD. This week he told us about how his faith is growing little by little and I just died because I love hearing how prayer and scriptures can change someone!! He is the 
-we played duck duck goose at district meeting. Haven't played that since I was maybe in fourth grade so that was a score. 
 -someone randomly called our phone and told us she wanted to come to church which literally never happens. So that was a straight up miracle. 
 -we have been seeing a lot of people who are less-active in the church and those lessons vary so much. Sometimes they are happy to see us and invite us in and we have a sweet chat or discussion, and sometimes they literally won't open the door and will yell through the window for 5 minutes at us. All good things, all good things!!! Hahah. 
 -the wind was so strong I almost got blown off my bike true story. 
 I love you guys--- thank you for sending me so much love and so many letters. Life is so wonderful!!!! Cheers m'dears!!!! 
 Sister Daines 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Yikes on our Bikes!!

My fav house in Cambridge, so naturally I had to take a pic outside of it.  Everything here is just so beautiful.  I wish you could all see how pretty it is!  I love you guys!!  This week we were praying SO hard to be able to find a family to teach.  In fact, we have been praying about it for an entire transfer, so we have been really searching with not a lot of luck.  We kept praying though, and kept searching and this Sunday a family literally just walked into church wanting to know more.  A MIRACLE.  I love you all more than I love falling asleep standing up during studies (something I may or may not have done this week....) and more than I love eating Cadbury chocolate and more than I love bread!!!!!!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sister Daines
HELLO MY BEST FRIENDS!!!! This week we noodled around on our bikes and
I think sister Cobabe probably ran into me at least four times. She
also lost a shoe twice on the busiest road in Cambridge and we both
just kind of swerve around until we know where the heck to go. Every
time we get off our bikes we just think-- YIKES. but by no small
miracle we always come out of our travels unscathed so Heavenly Father
is good😌🚲

(Just remembered how to use emojis for the first time on my entire
mission... No biggie)

We are always trying to work through appointments that cancel on us,
so this week the best things have been when our friends ACTUALLY show
up to our appointments on time. It seriously makes me just want to hug
them and give them a prize when they are where they say they're going
to be when they're going to be there.
 This is my best friend ever, Than, who went yesterday to go on holiday for a month, but when he gets back to Cambridge, he want to be baptized!  He is so receptive and just loves learning and reading.  I told him the Book of Mormon is so good because it helps me feel more peace, and on our next lesson he was like 'no sister daines!  It's not peaceful, it's intense and exciting!!' Hahaha!  He's not wrong.  I mean, there are some pretty crazy stories in there.  Basically he loves all the war stories in there. 
 Mad shoutout to our homie Andy
who always shows up on time and is so ready and excited to learn. He
brings his Book of Mormon to every appointment and is just so good! He
is from China and is basically my favourite person in the world. He
thought we lived at the chapel cause we were there so much. #whoops.

Highlights of the week:

-Andy asking us if baptism was basically just a big shower and my
companion saying "yeah, basically!" Hahha we had to clarify that no---
it is not just a shower. We're still working on that google translate

-meeting a man named Esaw (you heard me right people--- Esaw as in
Jacob and. But he spells it wrong but whatever). He walked up to us in
the park and literally told us to teach him more! He is such a goose
and seriously makes me laugh so hard just out of the absurdity of
everything he says. I wish I could explain him in words but oh well.
You'll just all have to come over here and meet him some day.😉
(Except we're low key mad at him cause he was three hours late to his
return appointment but it's ok)

-we met a guy named Bong from the Philippines who lives on a boat. He
calls it Noah's ark. No biggie.

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Worst Weekly Email in the World Part 2

My best friends!!! This week was so good-- we traveled to Ilford
(right outside of London) for our exchange and it was SO fun.
Seriously our sister training leaders work so hard and just make
everything so fun. We got to teach so many people and almost none of
them spoke English so we used a lot of Google translate and a lot of
miming haha. But we saw so many incredible people who wanted to learn
and it was just amazing and so fun!

Then we had some big trainings and meetings on how to more effectively use technology that the Lord has given us aka how to use Facebook more effectively.  That's what we are working on this week a lot.  Also working on getting people to actually show up to their appointments.  LOLZ !  Language barrier is so real.  But it's all good.

Last P day we went to Kings College in Cambridge.  It was so beautiful.  Here are some pictures that barely even do it justice.  It was so crazy beautiful.

Excuse my hair it was V windy up there and also I naturally didn't wash it because I'm a monster.

One of our investigators from Romania made us a cake and therefore stole my heart forever.  It was the best thing I have ever eaten.  I love her so much and she is so smart and incredible and I love that lady.


Monday, August 1, 2016

The worst weekly email in the world

Hi my best friends!!

Last week for P-day we went to this huge beautiful cathedral in Ely
and just walked around the smallest, quaintest English town you've
ever seen in your life.

It's bad I think I'm getting too used to the
adorable English villages so they just all seem normal to me. But
hello they are the cutest things in the world!! I wish I could just
walk around with a GoPro on my head all the time so you can see how
beautiful Cambridge is.
I think this picture where I look super shocked
is when one of the elders is making a fat joke about me. #classic #
they all call me sister Gaines. # whatever!! Ok this week was crazy
with sister Becker packing up and leaving, but my new companion is
from CALIFORNIA!! What are the odds. Seriously what are the chances of
that?! She's from Sacramento and is so sweet. Her name is sister
Cobabe. Yes, pronounced just how it looks. Every weird man we talk to
on the street has a grand old time with that one haha.

This week we spent a lot of time trying to find people who wanted to
hear our message, and almost an equal amount of time trying to help
sister Cobabe remember how to ride a bike. We also visited a lot of
less active members of the ward and it's been so interesting to get to
know these women and get to know their lives. I learned this week that
I am so, SO blessed. I am so lucky to have the parents that I have and
the experiences that have started to shape me into who I am. Speaking
of which..

you so much for all you have done for me. Thank you for being the best
example of Christlike, perfect love. Thank you for teaching me
basically everything I know about the gospel and about how to learn
and improve. I love you more than I love old English cathedrals and
more than I love eating an unreal amount of sugar to keep me awake
during nightly planning.


Sister Daines