Monday, January 16, 2017

You guys. This week was really rough. We didn't find anyone and I
seriously just don't know if I can take another 6 weeks of being with
sister Soulier. I just need some major prayers this week cause I am
not doin too hot.

HAAAA!! SIKE!!!!!! This has literally been another one of the best
weeks of my life!!  You guys are gonna die when you hear about this
week. It was, in the realest sense of the word, an emotional roller

Ok to start it off on p-day we went to our favourite Welshmans house
and he taught us how to make these things called Welsh cakes which are
max delicious and I could eat 12 in one sitting.

Love that man. He needs to get baptised. 

THEN we taught my fav person on my mission. He is a self-proclaimed "trap star" and has an actual prison phone. He is so funny and absurd and also Muslim (???) but don't worry we'll sort that out. Hahah he literally kills me.

He copied me cause he luvs me. I also told him sister Soulier was his trap queen lol. She has literally no idea what that means bless her.
THEN we had MLC and it literally rocked my world and I got to meet a member of the 70. He seriously was so amazing and an absolute temple of the spirit. I really love that man. 

I also leaned a lot (as always) and felt so happy and just good. Also I stole SO many people's glasses. It was great. I think it's finally time people--- my eyes are FINALLY getting bad enough where I can get actual glasses cause I need them!! Bless!!!!

 Elder Mthombenie  my fav South African

Just me and a general authority! No biggie! This is one of my favourite quotes of his " how can we increase faith? That's easy. Increase obedience" -elder Drieden

He also talked a lot about "incremental increases" which dad had also been telling me about so I really loved hearing about that. I am making a lot of goals to make teensy tinsy changes in my life that will help me evolve to the person and missionary I want to become. 

we dem boizzzzzz
Also I threw up in the middle of the road again the night after the baptism but oh well what can ya do shrug emoji 
Haha the guy who baptised him is probably one of my fav people I ever met in my life. We asked him an hour before if he would do it and he was like yeah that's aight. So good! He was an AP on his mission in Scotland and has the most beautiful wife I've ever seen in my whole life. He's the man. 

Anyway it was just the greatest thing ever and miracles are real and I'm so happy and I love you guys and God is soooooo good!! Love you guys!!!!!! Have the greatest week ever because I sure will!!! 
OH!!! Also!!! Sister Soulier and I are staying together!!! In Ilford!!!!!!!!! I was so happy I SCREAMED and our mission president goes "what was that? Is that an ambulance?" Haha. Seriously so ecstatic. With my fav compi for two transfers!! Except for any of my other comps who are reading this, you are also my fav. Life is so SO GOOD!!
(my girl iow obvi)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

"Slimming world. You two should try" -sister batjargal @ me and sis Soulier

I think it's getting boring to say it's been the greatest week but it has simply been the greatest week!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Things I learned:

Jenga is actually super fun (who knew?!)
You can buy £3 pizza naan right next to the church and it is SUPERB
Ask for no onions on said pizza naan
Wash your sheets and your hair and your dishes and suddenly life seems a lot better
The more effort you put into preparing for meetings the more you get out of them
I CANT HANDLE SRI LANKEN FOOD!!!!!! This is a real thing that happened on Wednesday. "Sister Ramesh, is this spicy?" "No no sister, no". And then I cried. Real tears flowed from my eyeballs.
I can fall asleep in three minutes. This week I fell asleep on two buses, in a lesson, in church, and while I was sitting up straight.
I talk in my sleep. This week apparently I sat bolt upright and said "OUR PURPOSE IS TO INVITE OTHERS TO COME UNTO CHRIST" and then rolled over and went back to sleep hahahah.

Man what another great week. We had another exchange on Tuesday with the sisters from Canterbury, the area that I started my mission!! Woohoo. They are so great and so much better than I was when I was there haha.
Hahaha, oh my heck.  Sister Batjargal, from Mongolia, is one of the funniest people I have ever met in my life.  She also eats SO many apples a day.  Like, on average, 4 apples a day.  EVERY day.  What?!?  Who does that?  haha, I love her.  Peep my sushi jumper.  I love it so much and it was only 4 pounds.  I also saw one of my mission BFF's, Sister Phillips, while she was in Ilford for like a second.  It was so fun.

"I'm takin a selfie!!!!!"  we went out to Nando's with this awesome family that goes teaching with us all the time. Bless them. This is also a plug to GO TEACHING WITH THE MISSIONARIES IN YOUR WARD!!!!! They need you.

Oh my gosh this lady made us "Christmas dinner" and it was so good I died. She only joined the church three months ago but she is far and away one of my favourite members in the ward, possibly the whole world. I seriously love her so much. Haha she only knows like 10 words in English so I'm learning Portuguese to tell her how much I love her. 
Had dinner with our fav Welshman again. Seriously those two are my relationship goals. OH MY HECK. He found us this song called "Annie Laurie" cause both our names are Annie and I love it so much. I want it played at my wedding and my funeral and everything in between. It's so great. I'll attach a vid.

Also sister Soulier started practicing new hairstyles on me and hello I'm in love. (With myself, of course. Heart = locked) 

Our Ward mission leader!  Love him!

My fav little girl, Ioa. 

Her cutest little sister, Teowo. Seriously you have no idea how much I love this ward.
                                                          frizzy hair post being rained on haha. 

You guys. This is for sure he happiest I've been in my life. I love my mission so much. I was telling Clara today that I can't believe I almost didn't go on a mission because I would be missing out so much!!!

I love you all!!! Merry New Years!!! My New Years resolutions are to be nicer and eat more carrots. Hahah. Love you!!!!
