Monday, June 20, 2016

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DADDY!!!!! This week was really crazy and insane
but here are the highlights:
We ate at 5 guys this week (in honour of Robbie D) (but also in honour
of sister Becker learned what a horrible cook I am and begged to go
out to eat LOLZ.) and I literally walked in the door and cried. It
reminded me so much of home and so much of you guys and made me MISS
AMERICA!! Here she is, miss America. So embarrassing but also so
classic me. Am I funny? Yes? No? Never. Here's a picture of us with
our delicious delectable hamburgers. #burgersandcries
Sister Becker is my new companion and she is from Germany and she is a BEAST and I love her so much and I am learning so, so much from her. Mom, to answer your question, the "green bean" is doing so well. She is amazing and is teaching me so much and is just tall and graceful beautiful. Here are some classic sister Becker quotes: "ahh!!! English!!!!!" "I'm sorry, I'm from Germany" "AGH. ENGLISH." She is so adorable and so good and honestly her English is so so good! I am always telling her her English is better than mine.

This week I had to say goodbye to Jade and I literally cried so hard. I'm such an embarrassing mess! But she is so incredible and such a great example to me. Love that woman.

Cambridge is such a blessed, beautiful place!! I AM SO LUCKY TO LIVE HERE!!! Even though I am hashtag dying on bikes because I am the least in shape person that I know. Lolzies!!!

 Here are some cows that we biked past. Happy Sunday from England, folks

This week I am learning how little I know and how much I need to rely on the Lord. I'm also learning:

-I have way too much stuff and I never ever ever want to lug all of my thousand pounds of stuff on the hot and sweaty tube ever again!!!!

-I don't know which tube stop to get off on and I made me and poor sweet sister Becker so late. Sorry love!!! Haha she is such a trooper

-I love Americans and I love English people and I love food!

-I learned that my dad is the greatest dad in the universe and that I am so lucky for his example 😊😊😊


Canterbury Fails

ok you guys i am so so sorry I didn't write last week--- we went to the white cliffs of dover though! it was so incredible and beautiful and I will send pictures!
but oh my goodness--- these past two weeks have been the craziest and hardest weeks of my entire mission and therefore my entire life because duh have i ever done anything hard before this? negatory. (yes that means harder than my month in ghana ok it was AN INSANE COUPLE OF DAYS!!!) 

last p-day: we went to dover, got stuck in dover, couldnt write emails. (so sorry friends i love you and miss you all) 

had an insane lesson with much loved investigator, and COMMITTED HER TO BE BAPTISED!!! on that sunday. felt good, felt great, felt the spirit. 
Sister Lawler and me with much loved investigator 
Our super adorable investigator!  Love her so so so much!!!
walked out of that lesson and, for lack of a better word, all heck broke loose. you guys i have never before seen so much opposition. it was insane. we wont dwell on that lololol. 

then the next day was OUR MISSION WIDE CONFERENCE AND WE SAW ELDER OAKS. i shook his hand and it was incredible and i dont think ive ever felt like i was in a little part of heaven so much in my life. we came home and i was so sad, because i loved learning from so many wise, amazing people. President and Sister Kieron (the Europe Area Presidents) are the wisest and most amazing people i have ever met (besides pres and sister stevens and mom and dad ;))) THEY ARE SO COOL.


anyway,,,,,, ill cut to the chase. 

this week was insane, but amazing, i have felt the power of prayer so much, and TOMORROW I AM MOVING TO CAMBRIDGE. I AM LEAVING CANTERBURY AND I AM MOVING TO CAMBRIDGE AND I AM FOLLOW-UP TRAINING A NEW MISSIONARY. shalom i AM a new missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive only been out in the field for 11 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! this poor girl is getting the least knowledgeable missionary in the field!!! but isok because it will all work out if this is what God wants. 
seriously you guys all know me and you know what a nervous little bird i am, but i am feeling really ok about this. i wasnt on monday but IT WILL ALL WORK OUT. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT GOD WANTS. 
I got a package from my Mom!!  I loved all the stamps from Sweden!!!

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i miss you all:))))))))))))):):)

God is good. God is real. God loves us:))). He loves us and strenghtns us every day. Im so sorry that this email was so insane and so weird but I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Sister Daines :):):):):):)