Thursday, February 23, 2017

Rando Guy: I don't want to be.... how you say... missionariezed.

I can't. I simply can't. I absolutely can't tell you how perfect this
week was. I wish I had the words to describe wicked to you all. Let me
AWE-INSPIRING. LIFE. CHANGING. seriously that last one is not even me
being dramatic (ok my whole life is me being dramatic but what can ya

Seriously guys, on the real, real talk, not even jk, in all
seriousness, SERIOUSLY.... it was fantastic. Sister Soulier cried in
the first 10 minutes. I wouldn't change a dang thing (except for those
freaky monkeys) about the whole day. It was so, so, so, so, so good.
It might have trunked me out just a teeny bit, but it was SO good. We
waited for our tickets (while I emailed you guys) and then went to
Hyde park and got to see some of my all time fav APs and ZLs. Then the
core four went to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament and I spent way
way WAYYYY too much money at a thing called the Camden market. Google
it. Game changer. Mom, it's safe to say that my 8 year aversion to
spending money has now passed. Then we went out to eat with the ZLs, I
got the best news of my whole mission, and spent £70 at shake shack.
Then we went home and taught my fav stoner about the word of wisdom
and how to believe in God. LOL. Then the next day we had DM, I got
seriously rebuked and learned I need to change essentially everything
about myself lol, got a sweet hat, and hat KFC and a bomb priesthood
blessing. God is way good. Then had exchange with my fav Chinese
(sorry sister benson) and got really sick (what else is new. Lol).

I got to go back to where I started my mission: Canterbury. It was the
most magical day (no one better make fun of me for saying that
phrase). It. Was. So. Good. I got to see two of my favourite sisters,
one of my all time favourite elders, and I got to see my angel BFF

Oh sheesh you guys she is so amazing. I'm not exaggerating
when I say she is almost the perfect human. Beautiful, humble, so so
so kind and considerate, polite, so strong in her convictions and
beliefs and testimony, independent but trusting, beautiful,
fashionable, honest, keeps me grounded, did I mention beautiful??? Ok
I'll stop cause this is just sad how obsessed with her I am. One of my
all time BFFs for sure. Had to say goodbye to one of my favourite
sisters in the whole world, someone who I really consider an actual
sister. Sister Batjargal changed my whole life and mission even though
she eats way too many apples. (This is the girl who, 100% seriously,
prayed to the Lord God Almighty that I would "follow the word of
wisdom and stop overeating so that she can lose weight". Yes). Anyway,
I was so happy and they were so happy and beautiful and it was so
weird but fun to be in Canterbury again and life was just way, way,
way too good. also got to eat a delist hamburger. Yes again. YES YES
YES. Then, THEN we had to go into London to switch trains and look
what we saw:! Actually I can't show you cause Ruthie told me not to
attach pics with the text! But it was Big Ben again!!! Then we went
back home and had dinner with our all time fav elders at a really
REALLY yummy burrito place. Bless x10000. Core four pt 2.

Then so many people came to church and I
discovered fake eyelashes and I got to spend so much time with my girl
Ayo. Life is so good. God is so good. Missions are so SO good. To
quote C$, "church is true".

Gonna go to an all you can eat buffet and go play football (lol I will
go lie on the grass) with said fav ZLs.




Saturday, February 18, 2017

Blessed w/ the Best

Guys. GUYSSSS!! Happy WICKED WEDNESDAY!! Can we just take a second to
think about how flipping blessed we are? To quote the legend Ruby J.
Neff, "SFB. So flipping blessed". Seriously, just take 20 seconds and
list 3 things you're blessed with. Then you will have to list 1000
theme of this transfer for sister soul and I. #Godknows).

I'll just make you a little list of WHY life is so dang good.

•    It hasn't rained once last week. Not ONCE. Nor last week. And the
week before I think it only rained for a few hours. Everyone says this
is the mildest winter they've ever seen. #Godknows His little
California girl couldn't handle more than this. Srs guys I feel like
I'm back in Palo Alto.
•    It's so warm that I have forsaken tights for the rest of my mission!!!
•    I have bought sooo many cute clothes this transfer and only had
mild panic about spending so much money
-I really had to go to the loo (classic) and it's one of those ones
that makes you pay but I didn't have any money (cause it's the LOO!)
but the doors were open so I got to go in for free!!
•    Im currently in the que for wicked tickets and it is SO short and
we are like 4th or something and it's NOT raining and I'm sitting next
to two really nice not too loud Americans!!!!!!!

•    Only like two people were creepy to us on Valentine's Day
•    My boyz ay ay Ron and mikash were born this week!!!!!!! Happy
birthday babes!!!!!!! Luh you way too much!!!!!!!!!
•    Did I mention I get to see WICKED?!
•    We went to an all you can eat place for v-day and it was so good
I could have cried
•    The dumb zone lords forgot to look up which tube stop we were
supposed to get off at for wicked so we called our fav member at 9:29
and he googled it for us even though he was at v-day dinner with his

•    My family and I are happy and healthy and safe
•    So, so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLESSED!!!!!!!

Also, update, just found out we got front row seats!! For £30!!! Major
max blessed.

This week was just such a good one (once again). Last p-day we got
McD's (of course) with my fav elders in the whole world. Seriously
love those two.

Then we had ZONE CONF!!!! We gave a training and so many people called
us afterward to tell us how much they liked it (who the heck knows
why-- probs the spirit or something cause it was not us lol). I also
saw my fav person in the world this guy with autism who spends all day
every day at the VC. HE IS SO FUNNY. he told me all he knew about
California was that it was really warm, people don't wear shoes, and
everyone eats burritos. I told him that's all he needs to know. OH!
When we were traveling home I really really had to use the loo (what
else is new) and we hopped off the tube at BIG BEN!!!!! Lolllllll! I
love serving in England!!!!!

Then the next day I had a rough morning so I got McD's with some more
elders that I love and got a blessing. It wad the most powerhouse
blessing of my whole entire life. It was amazing amazing amazing. I am
so blessed to have such a strong testimony of the priesthood now
because I really do. Mom and dad remind me to tell you about it
someday cause it was just soooo amazing. #thankselderdalley

Then, because of the schedule change, we can do comp study whenever we
want to during the day, so we walked into the chapel and did comp
study with my FAV elders in the universe!!!!! Lol it was so fun and
actually really really spiritual. It was crazy good.

My fav member gave us these sick SnapBacks and I automatically fell in
love with him, and then we had exchange!! With sister Batjargal!!! The
one who eats all the apples!!! Hahaha I love her so so much. And we
had THE most powerful teacher training I've ever had on my whole
mission. I cried and I haven't cried in like 7 months. It was amazing
amazing amazing. OH also this week I rebuked one of my zone leaders
(with love, and a scripture, obvi) and he cried for the first time in
3 years!!?!!!!!!!!! This week I really felt like I was God'S vessel.
It was way cool.

Oh ALSO!!!!!!! I saw my main man!!!!!!!  The self-proclaimed trap
king!!!!! Remember him?!?!? Such a tender mercy I got to see him. I
seriously LOVE that fool.

Then I defrosted our freezer, found out I look like hermione after
having my hair in braids, Bukky came to church and looked like a
GODDESS!!!!!!, and we went to the best Welsh mans house in the world.
I told him he needs to come to CA so mom and dad can treat him and his
wife real well (because we all know I am a rubbish hostess).

Then we got to teach a guy that I met my second week here and have
been trying to contact ever since. I'm pretty sure he was in rehab.
Blessed. This is an exact quote from him "I am looking to find the
true church and I am committed to finding it. I hope God tells me it's
this one" LOL.

Then we taught the GREATEST lesson ever to the greatest fam ever. I am
so blessed to teach fams. Soooo so blessed. And now it's wicked!!!!!
God is so good!!! Love you all!!! Write me and send me presents!!!!


Saturday, February 11, 2017

"You can't drink tea or you will get drunk!!" -a 3 year old at church

Hahah close buddy. Close.


Phew. Crisis averted.


We started off with literally the warmest day I have ever felt in
January ever (aside from the Palo Alto dayz). Seriously it was like 10
degrees or something absurd. Maybe even 11. Anyway, it was crazy cray
warm. God loves us. Then we tried to find people on Facebook and if
was quite the adventure.

This is the husband of a member....the Welch man who Annie loves so much.  Her companion's name is also Annie!  He "marched in front of the mission office" to campaign to keep the Annie's in Ilford so they wouldn't be transferred.  :)  

Three weeks of pictures with little commentary--technical difficulties from the field! :)

Oh my friends. My family. My loves. My enemies. My random acquaintance who stumbled across this blog because it's 2 am and there is literally nothing better on the internet. I LOVE YOU!!!!! 

Daines: *in the middle of the night* sister Soulier sister Soulier. 
Soulier: what?
Daines: I feel really sick. Can you give me a blessing?
Soulier: no that's not allowed. 
Daines: okay. *goes back to sleep* *doesn't remember any of it in the morning*


WELL WELL WELL. Another week older zero years wiser. Guys. I know you
all look forward to my emails for just a huge shot of enthusiasm and
exclamation points, but this week was tough. Hahah. Don't worry I'm
still so happy, still love my life, just had kind of a rough spell.

So let's start with Monday. We kicked it off with McDonald's breakfast
and lots of shopping slash great emails (thanks yall). It was super
good and we saw two of our three friends preparing for baptism on
Sunday. All good, all good.

OH I almost forgot!!!!! We need your help!!! Can you pleas please
please pray for our friend James? Like, in every single prayer? He is
the inv that is soooo good and everyone thought he was a high
councilman the first time he came to church and he wore an all white
suit to church on Christmas. Yeah, him. He really wants to be baptised
on Sunday and we really really want him to but his work is soooooooo
mega busy so just please pray that he can get it off!!!!!