Monday, September 19, 2016

"They're not crisps... They're Thrice Cut Frites"

One of the recent converts in this area literally says the most absurd
and pretentious Cambridge phrases that I have ever heard so I've
started writing them down in my planner... This is one of them. It
makes me laugh every single time he says anything. Like what the heck
is a frite?!? Who knows. Not me. Anyway...

Andy was baptised!!! Nothing went wrong and it was just a sweet,
simple service. It was perfect! (Even though I had nightmares about
the water not turning on, Andy not showing up, etc, etc) nothing went
wrong. So I had stress dreams for no reason at all! Classic.... But I digress.
What a guy.  He told us about how he started thinking about going on a mission.  HELLO!  HOW COOL IS THAT.

Oh my word.  Last Monday we had a lesson with this man from India and I have never laughed so hard in my life.  My companion can never keep a straight face, and when our investigator is there burping in between stories of the Book of Mormon, she just lost it.  Seriously, I have never heard anyone burp so loudly.  When we asked him to say the closing prayer, he started bending over and bowing down.  Turns out he is supes Muslim and wants us to come to his mosque with him next week.

We saw one of our investigators in town this week and I asked him if he had been reading his Book of Mormon and he literally started cackling and goes "sisters....I cannot lie to you...." and then sprinted away from us.  SPRINTED!!  He is the goofiest runner and sister Cobabe and I just died.  I was laughing too hard to even be mad at him.  We'll see how this one progresses.....Lolzies.

Also, this is cute Harry who wants to "be a Mormon" so badly.  He also says he knows the Book of Mormon is true because he saw his long lost cat the day after he came to church.  I was a little lost about how that relates, but we just nodded and smiled and went along with it.  He's a really sweet man.

You guys, we met the funniest people this week, and it was just an absolute blast.

I love you and I love how much this message helps people. I know that Heavenly Father wants us to have joy because I've seen how much joy and peace these people are able to find as they change and grow closer to Heavenly Father.

I love you guys!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxox, Sister Daines

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