Monday, May 30, 2016

''Look at King Ethelbert! He has Pretzles on His shirt!''

" King Ethelbert, obvi!" 

hashtag that email subject is something that is just SO classic england amirite friends?? sister lawler said it this morning and i kind of looked at her and thought-- what is  happening in my life>?????? hahah sister lawler and I laughed so hard this week it wasnt even funny. get it?!?! get what i did there?!?!? oh my word i am not funny. love myself!

"P-day lyfe" 

ok sorry i have no idea what im even talking about anymore. WHAT ELSE IS NEW. nothing. lolz. 

this week was crazy crazy crazy town but here are some amazing things i learned: 

-the plan of salvation is real. its like that woman who spoke last conference and said ''i know it, but do i belive it?'' i had to learn this week that yes, i believe so fully that we will be with our families after we die. I KNOW we will. i just wish everyone else could know it too! 

-the sacrament really is like a weekly, mini- baptism if we are doing it right. and i am SO thankful for that. because i really need it every week, am i right friends?? but seriously. my testimony of the cleansing power of the atonement EVERY day and how important that is has grown so much these past few weeks. 

-i learned i can talk for 13 minutes from the pulpit and it feels like 6 ;) lolz sorry bishop harris!!! he has now put a light on the stand to flick on and off for the next time i speak. haha! i said 'sorry bishop i went like 5 minutes over!'' and he goes ''thats ok-- its not so bad for a sister'' #yikes #but also true 

-when you go tracting in herne bay, sometimes you will meet very drunk men who, in the words of momma, are quite ''corpulent'' and who will tell you about how they just ''passed wind'' so it ''might be quite stinky where you are standing'' thanks ian! haha

-i learned that when times are tough, sometimes you just gotta buy a bunch of  digestive biscuts and eat them within the span of half an hour. one of our better decisions forsure. 

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! sorry this was so frantic and i have no idea what is going on!!! whoops!! lol! seriously you are all the best and i love you and THANK YOu for your prayers and letters and love and good vibes. 

"Me begging some woman to come to church, lol" 

to close:(mostly for Clara;))

why couldn't Lehi eat dinner?


because he didnt have the plates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oooo!!!!! hahahhahah!!

ok i love you all more than i love digestives or even more than i love in n out!!!

sister daines x

"A cute door that was #not interested in the gospel.  Those friends!!  But thx for the pic ppl lol."

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