Monday, May 16, 2016

HI! TimeFlies (like those white boy rappers but also time is going really fast! get it??!?)

HI all of my loves!!! I miss you all!!! this week was so crazy and so good and we saw so many miracles! 
also here is my last picture ever with SJ. RIP SJ. pour one out (one smoothie.,. that is...) for the fallen Trainer! 
Ok so sister johannes is gone-zo! lolzies see ya lady!! sike she is the bomb and she will be missed so dang much. but sister lawler is so cool! she is a beast and is such a good missionary! LAWL! (lawlz because her name is lawler,,, get it! lawl!)  

 this week was insane in the membrane. we saw about a million and a half missionaries at euston central station and then we went to king's cross (i always want to call it grand central but i know thats not what it is... shalom sister daines you are in JOLLY OLD ENGLAND NOW!!) anwyway..... went to kings cross, got my new trainer/mom/bff, went back to canterbury! 

we saw danielle this week, the woman that i told you guys about on skype who lost her baby, she is so amazing. she was for sure the highlight of my whole week because she is just SO strong and such an amazing example to me and builds my faith every single time i see her. i love her SO much and i love to be in her home because her kids are just nuts and all over the place like a certain other family of 5 that i know ;) ;) ;) 
but she is just so incredible and i really look up to her and want to be more like her in how strong and resilient she is. 

also, JADE CAME TO CHURCH!!!! i feel so, so, so, so close to that woman. words cannot express how much i love her and how much i want her to be baptized. she is so wonderful and she really just wants to do the right thing so much. i have never seen someone so willing to change their whole life.. like SHALOM she woke up for church on sunday and told us.. girls! i woke up and didn't have tea! and i went clubbing and only drank soda!!! what the heck she is amazing!! anyway. i really look up to her and love her and am so proud of her. 
Maureen, the old woman that we found, had a hard time with the word of wisdom this week :( 
we were walking home one night and we were walking past her house and we just really really really really felt like we should swing by, even though she likes us to call her beforehand. but we walked to her house and as we were walking up she was coming in from walking her dog, coco, (you go, glen coco) but anyway she admitted that she had been having a hard time with cigarettes and depression and cutting off so drastically. but it was really, really good that we were able to see her. it was definitely inspired. so i am so thankful that we were able to see her before it got too bad. but i love her so much and we made sure that she came to church this week so that she could feel the spirit. so keep her in your prayers!! i will attach a picture of my new companion and i walking her dog before church so that she could come. 

I LOVE YOU ALL!! this week something that i really learned is that i am so lucky to be on a mission. i was reading in  1 Timothy 1:12 this morning during studies and i learned that i am so lucky to be on a mission. and that i am so lucky that Christ trusts me enough to enable me every day and that He counts me worthy enough to be His missionary. how thankful I am that Christ trusts me enough with this portion of His vineyard and His children. i am working so hard to make sure that I can keep being worthy of that and to not let Him down, but the great thing about the gospel is that we get credit for trying! and that He enables us every single day and lifts us up. we are so so so lucky!! 


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