Monday, April 4, 2016

Tales From Canterbury

ITS THE CUTEST TOWN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. you are going to straight DIE when you see it. its so adorable. ok first of all!!

First day with Sister Johannes!!
-my trainer is the greatest woman in the world and SUCH a blessing!!! seriously she could not be more perfect for me! thank you so so so much for praying about it because it REALLY worked. she went to BYU at the same time as me so we have a ton of mutual friends!! (s/o all the cute guys that I pined over fresh year. jk. kinda). anyway!! she is the greatest and we have WAY too much fun together and she teaches me SO much!! and helps me be such a better missionary!! and she is always telling me to slow down! and just not be weird and she is always helping me be more normal in street contacting and ahh she is just such a great missionary!!! momma she wants you so send her clothes cause she thinks you're so cute and she's jelly of all the clothes you get me. I love both of you so much!!

The front door of our flat on London Street
-the second I hopped off the train in Canterbury the first man I talked to said "cheers, love" and I DIED. I love the English people. ps its English not British cause they are from England and very prideful about being English not British. apparently. lolz I am learning.

-LIANA!! THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH for that sweet and perfect care package!! it helped me feel so much love and happiness my first day in the field. so thank you!!

-sister Johannes makes me listen to this Arnold Schwarzenegger motivational speech every morning. so weird. I die laughing.

-I eat so many biscuits every dang day! I am already gonna get so fat! oh well! who cares!! I need to not be prideful about my appearance! lolz!!!

-my new address is
30 London Road
Canterbury Kent CT2 8LN
London, England UK

Our District Leader--he knows the Sweats
I should be here for the next 12 weeks!! unless something cray cray happens!! so keep your fingies crossed that I get to stay here cause it is the BEST area and our flat is so close to church and to town and it is SO CUTE and SO English and it is two stories so getting my bags up was a doozie lol. but elder and sister tuttle helped me so much! they are seriously angels. they are a senior couple and they are sent right from heaven. I love them.

Having fun with Sister Johananes
-ok conference was AMAZING. daddy I loved Elder Christoffersons talk cause it reminded me so much of you and what an amazing and basically perfect dad you are. seriously conference was so amazing. and I only have two more general conference left on my mission and then I go home!!  crazy! and so sad. I loved conference

-there are so many miracles in the field. I love it. I love sister Johannes and I love Canterbury and I love you all so much!! I think about you all the time and pray about you all the time but I am trying to do that less because my mind needs to be centered on my mission;)

I love you!! !

sister daines

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