Monday, April 18, 2016


Sister j bought a smoothie maker last week!!! best decision of our collective lives. (i guess that would be called a blender... lol. i swear my english is getting worse every single day that i am in this country. and they speak english!!!)

i cant think of anything clever to call this. im already toast its been like three weeks! oh well what else could we have expected out of sister daines lolzies. ok so many funny things this week! but i cant tell you all of them, but just know that life is SO good and i am so blessed! i am growing and learning every day but lemme tell ya, i know BASICALLY NOTHING about being a missionary!! isok. im learning. ahh i just love it! uncle richard was so dang right. i dont know what everyone was freaking out for-- missions are FUN and so good!!!! 

So this week we went into the library to talk to one of our potential investigators who works there (it also happened to be the biggest rain storm of the century with thunder and lightning and pouring rain for 4 hours....soincidence?  Yes!!  hahaha we promise we are not lame-os who hide from the rain!! we went finding in that storm for straight up 4 hours! it was the best part of my week. God always blesses us for finding in the rain!!!) ok but anyway, we were talking to this PI Jose from florida and at one point his friend who was there straight up looks at me and goes ''so you're an expecting mother?'' and i was like ''what??'' and he goes ''yeah, youre pregnant right?'' and then gestures to my stomach!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!! I AM GETTING SO FAT A MAN ACTUALLY ASKED ME IF I WAS LEGIT PREGNANT!! hahahhahah!!! it was the funniest thing of my whole life i couldnt even be offended i was just laughing so hard. hahah what the heck is my life?!?!  

ok the best thing ever: we were teaching this man named George (we had to drop him because he straight up refused to read the bom or pray about it.. so sad! he needs to soften his heart!) anwyay, he is this super old english man with a really strong religious background. so we had our third lesson with him in the chapel and he shakes my comps hand and then he shakes my hand and goes ''hello.. daines'' and then KISSED MY HAND! i wanted to die!!! slash laugh!! slash throw up out of nervousness!! it was so weird and so funny!! anyway. poor georgie. he felt the spirit he just wouldnt act on it! so sad. im learning that people can use their agency and then sometimes they use it the exact wrong way!! but isok, isok. 

biggest part of my whole week!!!!!!!!! SISTER JOHANNES CUT MY HAIR OFF. no im not kidding. clarey belle dont be mad at me!!!! but we just got home one night and she was like ''we should really just get your haircut'' (cause i keep telling all these hairdresser ladies i want to cut my hair off so that we can trick them into meeting with us but it doesnt work) anyway, i was like, sister johannes! lets do it!! so at 10pm in the middle of our flat she just chopped my hair off with kitchen scissors!! lol!!!! mom dont be mad!!! i think it looks so good!! haha i told her she should drop out of BYU and be a hairdresser! 
this is my hair pre-haircut... i was mad because it kept getting so tangled!! 
Me getting ready to have my hair cut off with kitchen scissors!

The haircut deed is done!
ok also we taught primary on sunday (and relief society but that wasn't nearly as fun lolz.. dont tell aunt mary i said that... sike please do she would laugh) but ANWAY it was SO fun and just a blast and i though of/tried to channel ruthie the entire time. mom you would have been so proud we just taught those little kiddos about choosing the dang right! we were so dang bold! anyway. it was a blast and it made me think of my momma:))))) 

I love you all more than you will ever flipping know!!! your prayers and letters and emails mean the world to me!!! there are so many scriptures i want to tell you to read but i think just all of alma is a good place to start ;) cause if its in alma then i have probs highlighted it and put a sticky note next to it that says ''ME! I NEED TO BE MORE LIKE THIS!!!'' or something. lolz!! i love being a missionary i love you all i love england i love life!!!!!!!

xxxxx, sister daines. or, if you're an 85 year old man named george, then its just daines. 

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