Friday, March 18, 2016


Ok to start off this letter, before i begin my "fire hose of electronic enthusiasm" as dad calls it, i am going to follow in the footsteps of miss carla m. daines. aka im going to tell you a really corny and dumb joke. (the elders in my district tell me the STUPIDEST jokes every day so im writing them down so i can use one every week lololol get pumped everyone) 

why'd the farmer win an award? ---cause he was out-standing in his field!! 

lolllllll.....mtc humor. 

ok! so!! i wrote down things that made me laugh in a little notebook this week so i could know what to email you and so that i could remember what i even did this week so here it is! its just gonna be a random assortment of junk but oh well :) :) :) :) 

1. dont know why i took this pic but i think its cause i got the memory cards dad bought me so thanks robbie! also this is my tiny desk that i sit in for 9 hours every day! 
 2. thank you for the cute cookie and note jez!!!!

-have i mentioned that the MTC is the greatest place and that i am having SO much fun? seriously i have never been so consistently happy or so consistently anxiety-free in my entire life. not only do i love every day i love every single hour. SERIOUS!!! its a hashtag blessing!! so thank you for all of your prayers. you have no idea how much they mean to me. 

-aaron: 4 square is SO fun but im terrible. but i play every day. gym time is the BEST!! its such a blast!! im also becoming knock out queen and i play with this spanish speaking district and im holdin my own with all the elders so thank you robbie for your tutelage.

-i eat really healthy food every single day! i think thats part of why im so happy!!! so thank you again to robbie!!! but yeah i really really love eating so healthy here! 

-aunt julie daines: thank you so much for that lotion! i use it every single day and i LOVE it and it always makes me think of our sweet family and that beautiful night right before i checked into the mtc where i just felt so much love from all of you so thank you so much aunt julie!! seriously it smells so good and it keeps my hands from getting too dry in this utah madness! 

-carls my district LOVES your corny jokes almost as much as i do!! i love them so much they make my day every single time. i smile so big and lol and make my comp listen to every single one of them. also....

Thank you Aunt Laurie!!!
-all of your letters/dearelders/ packages make my days SO much brighter. seriously you guys thank you SO much. you have no idea how happy they make me!!!!!!!! im sorry i dont have time to respond to everyone because your day is so scheduled out as a missionary but if you are reading this and you have sent me a letter or package or dearelder please know how much it means to me! keep em coming!!! thank you thank you thank you

-i run out of room in my gratitude journal every single day

-sister watson and i have the same birthday!! what are the odds of that??? but dont send me any presents!! because i think it will make her feel bad. cause shes a really sweet and sensitive little bird so i really dont want to hurt her feelings. so dont even worry about sending me presents!! your prayers and letters are presents enough! WAY more than enough!!! 

-our district president is named President Lords and he is the BEST man ever. he reminds me a lot a lot of dad. even his handwriting is really similar to dads. hes so wise and he gave such an amazing talk our first week and he is just SO amazing. 

6.  Elder Chappell wrote this on the board because i am always yelling it at the elders lolololololol
-thank you fam for praying for my mtc companion. seriously she is so perfect for me and i am so thankful every day that you prayed about it. maybe start praying for my trainer? haha jk. (but seriously.) im getting nervous cause how can i ever surpass sister watson????

-have i mentioned how grateful i am that i am in the provo mtc? it is so fun here and i get to see people i know all the time and i get to meet so many cool people and i already have so many sweet friends here and i just LOVE being in the provo mtc. also,,,, english??!?! i lucked out!!! i have no idea how much harder it would be if i was learning japanese or something! im so so so blessed

Add 7. my cute pic with london england!! but then sister tooley made fun of me!!! LOL. (also sister tooley is legit the greatest shes so funny and sassy and keeps me in check i love her. she is my ruby neff!!!! cause she not my comp, but she lives on my floor. i love her!!!) 

- our district leader, elder harris, does this really really high girly voice and one time he said "sister daines" in a girly voice and i thought it was straight up a chick and i turned around and saw it was a huge man and i almost peed my pants laughing so hard. also he sings all of the hymns in a really high falsetto soprano. why elder harris. why. hahhahah sike it makes me laugh every time!!

- MAD SHOUT OUT TO: jezlyn for the cookie, erica and michael for the treats, aunt laurie for the rolls!! makes my day!! 

- one night sister watson was feeling kind of sick and tired and we were singing an opening hymn to try to bring the spirit during personal study (my idea....... sometimes the elders struggle with focusing lolz) and somebody picked the song scatter sunshine which i have never heard before.. but anyway it was SO bad and the tempo was SO slow and none of us knew what we were doing and sister watson starting laughing so hard/ hated the song so much that she CRIED. OUR SONG WAS SO BAD THAT IT MADE MY COMPANION CRY!!! LOLZ!!!!!!

- ok thats all i think for this week! thank you all for everything. you seriously all mean so much to me and i am sending up prayers left and right for all of ya. i am so thankful to be here! i am so blessed and i have already learned more than all three of my semesters at BYU. i love being a missionary!!!!! 

love you all!!!

xoxoxooxox, sister daines

4. happy saint pattys day!!!! this is my aunt mary outfit cause she bought me this shirt and i think she has the same skirt!! (suck it first quarter!!!) 

5.  i got to see sweet Lauren Hafen from Jerusalem!!!! Thank you for coming to find me!!!! It made me so happy!!!

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