Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween Mates!!!!!!

Happy Halloween Mates!!!!!! Oh my goodness oh my goodness I cannot tell you how great this week was. First of all-- fall has officially flung (is that a phrase? No? Oh well) and it is SO beautiful. Oh my heck it is so beautiful. I wish I took more pictures but just walking around England in the fall is probably one of my favourite things in the whole world.
ALSO--- it hasn't rained for 5 days straight. BLESSED BLESSED BLESSED BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!! Ok we were walking to the church one day and we walked past these tiny baby Shetland ponies! There was entire huge farm of them! So tiny and adorable.

Also our ward had a Halloween party and it was so fun. At one point I was like maybe this is embarrassing how happy I am to be at a church party but then I was like whatever this is mission life. There was free chili and free candy and I got to see all these cute little babies dressed up in costumes. And our family of investigators came and it was just so fun. Oh my goodness they are so amazing you guys. They want to be baptised so bad and they are like fully integrated into the ward and they are so normal and just so cool. I love them. I'll send a pic next week.

Ok excuse this straight nose shot but this woman is my favourite person in the world. She honestly is so flipping funny and she tells us about all of these crazy stories about her mission in Brazil and I just die laughing every time. She also is so spiritual and I just LOVE HER!!!!

Went tracting and saw a cool door obvi


This is our district!! Happy Halloween friends I love you all so so much!!!!

Also it gets dark at literally 4:30 at night and it KILLS ME but it's ok. Thank goodness for the light of the GOSEPL amirite? Jk actually thank goodness for street lights and flashlights and idk being in doors when it's dark and scary.

Funny story: this week I laughed at my companion cause she stepped in dog poop and then two days later I stepped in it too. Hate my life but also I think I deserve it.

I love you guys so so much!!! Thank you SO MUCH for the packages and letters and all of the love I just love you guys so so so so so much!!


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